2006 NNIN REU Program
In 2006, 63 undergraduates took part in the NNIN REU Program, performing ten weeks of research at the twelve participating NNIN sites.
In August, everyone gathered at Cornell University where the interns presented their findings at the network convocation. Below, you will find the convocation proceedings and the research accomplishments in PDF.
Picture: The 2006 NNIN REU Interns at Cornell University, August 2006
The NNIN REU Program is made possible thru funding from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense ASSURE Program, Corporate Sponsors, and the NNIN sites.

2006NNINreuRA.pdf, a 145 page, 4.3MB PDF file
(Cover SEM by Michael Fox, page 36)
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The 2006 NNIN REU Research Accomplishments Introduction
Completing a comprehensive experimental research task in 10 weeks can be a very formative experience. NNIN attempts to this by the strong collaborations and challenging tasks brought together. This report demonstrates that enthusiastic participating students coupled to the sustained support from staff, faculty, and graduate students leads to significant accomplishments.
The students participating in this effort have just started on the path of technical education and are getting their first experience with advanced hands-on research as part of our REU program. The focus on advanced research and knowledge, the strong mentoring and support, the strong exposure to a professional research environment, the strong expectations built into the research and presentations at convocations, the exposure to a wider variety of research conducted by peers and other users in diverse disciplines of science and engineering within the unifying facilities, and the strong scientific and social interactions across the network, have been critical to the program's success.
Equally critical is the continuing dedication and effort from our staff, faculty, and graduate students. This year's participants also saw increased cross-site interactions through video-conferences and presentations, and hands-on experimentation. This year's final convocation happened at Cornell University.
I wish the participants the best wishes for future technical careers; NNIN hopes to see them build on this summer's experience, and my thanks to the staff, the graduate student mentors, and the faculty for their participation and involvement. Particular thanks are due to Melanie-Claire Mallison and Lynn Rathbun at Cornell, Michael Deal at Stanford, and Nancy Healy at Georgia Institute of Technology for their contributions in organizing the logistics of the program and the convocation.
Sandip Tiwari, Director, NNIN
The 2006 NNIN REU Research Accomplishments by Site
Each page number below is linked to a PDF file anywhere from 192K to 1000K in size. Each photograph is linked to a full-color 500 dpi JPG file, 252-656K in size.
Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility, Cornell University
From left to right:
Ms. Melanie-Claire Mallison, NNIN REU Program Assistant
Mr. Herbert Lannon, page 16
Mr. Suraj Kabadi, page 10
Mr. Albert Kamanzi, page 40
Mr. Jon Swaim, page 26
Mr. McIntosh Bonthera, page 52
Mr. Cary Smith, page 84
Ms. Erica Pratt, page 80
Mr. Ravneet Bajwa, page 30
Ms. Leila Joy Roberson, page 82
Mr. Nathan Henry, page 38
Microelectronics Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology
From left to right:
Mr. David Schluneker, page 126
Mr. Claude Wu, page 28
Ms. Katrina Murphy, page 72
Mr. Tajudeen Shodeinde, page 46
Mr. Andrew Ballinger, page 32
Mrs. Jennifer Root, Site Coordinator
Center for Nanoscale Systems, Harvard University
From left to right:
Mr. Paul De Andrade, page 120
Mr. Michael Adams, page 114
Ms. Kathryn Hollar, Site Coordinator
Ms. Julie Stern, page 106
Mr. Matthew Blosser, page 50
Howard Nanoscale Science and Engineering Facility, Howard University
From left to right:
Ms. Alina Ainyette, page 48
Ms. Juliet Lawrence, page 42
Mr. Henry Daise, III, page 62
Mr. Lawrence Bazille, page 94
Penn State Nanofabrication Facility, The Pennsylvania State University
From left to right:
Ms. Esha Mathew, page 24
Ms. Sonia Cortés-Jiménéz, page 60
Mr. R. Patrick Martin, page 22
Ms. Myranda Martin, page 44
Mr. John Kroger, page 124
Stanford Nanofabrication Facility, Stanford University
From left to right:
Mr. Anthony Sanders, page 104
Ms. Maureen Baran, Site Administrator
Ms. Christina Lu, page 18
Ms. Irene Hu, page 122
Dr. Michael Deal, Site Coordinator
Ms. Sarah Bryan, page 56
Ms. Jenna Hagemeier, page 102
Nanotech @ UCSB, University of California Santa Barbara
From left to right:
Ms. Stephanie Petrina, page 78
Mr. Jason Wang, page 112
Ms. Emily Norvell, page 76
Mr. Christopher Stoafer, page 108
Ms. Athra Kaviani, page 12
Mr. David Toyli, page 86
Michigan Nanofabrication Facility, University of Michigan
Dr. Sandrine Martin, Site Coordinator
Ms. Ying Yi Dang, page 64
Mr. Anthony Breitbach, page 54
Ms. Niall Mangan, page 70
Mr. George Cramer, page 34
Ms. Christine Chin, page 116
Minnesota Nanotechnology Cluster, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
From left to right:
Ms. Dewi Harjanto, page 8
Mr. David Coats, page 118
Ms. Eva Cornell, page 2
Mr. Yasuhide Nakamura, page 74
Ms. Kelly Costello, page 4
Nanoscience @ UNM, University of New Mexico
From left to right:
Mr. David Lavenson, page 68
Ms. Luxue Rose Deng, page 100
Ms. Alicia Cohn, page 58
Mr. Brendan Turner, page 110
Not pictured:
Mr. Josef Velten, page 88
Microelectronics Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin
Mr. Caleb Yu, page 92
Mr. Amit Vasudev, page 98
Ms. Sarah Hernandez, page 66
Mr. Joseph D'Silva, page 6
Center for Nanotechnology, University of Washington
From left to right:
Mr. Dane Taylor, page 96
Ms. Elaine Kirschke, page 14
Mr. Albert Mach, page 20
Ms. Kaylie Young, page 90
Mr. Michael Fox, page 36
2006 NNIN REU Fun Photos!